Friday, September 29, 2006

If it's God's will...

Scott: Just thought I'd post a note saying to please pray for my sister, Sonja and her family. They are trying to get themselves into a better situation financially so they are trying to sell their house and buy a considerably less expensive one. Obviously we know that if it's God's will then it'll happen but I'm sure that she'd appreciate the prayers. She's been really good about being open-minded and upfront w/God in her prayers asking God to point out how they are being irresponsible. She feels like that God has told her that it's the house and as we talked yesterday I agree it's quite the hindrance. Just pray that the house will sell and that they can get into the other one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks for this prayer request. Just to update...we listed our house today. You will be able to check it out on the internet next week sometime. We are in the process of getting pre-approved for a loan on the mobile home. So keep praying that the house will sell quickly and for what we need it to.