The good news is that we got the flower beds done in time for my parents coming in. The bad news is that they're not coming in. My stepdad owns a grocery store and yesterday the produce manager and the meat manager quit. So he's in quite the proverbial pickel. So they're not coming in so that leaves the weekend free for Beth and myself. You can also pray for Beth. She's had a headache since Sunday and is going to the doctor today to see if they can figure out what's going on.
Looks Good! Sorry to hear that your mom and Harris can't come this weekend. We will be praying for Beth. You guys have a nice weekend.
I'm sorry to hear Beth is not feeling well. I'll be praying for a good report from the Dr. I've done my fair share of gardening & I can understand how much work those "little" flower beds take. Looks great! Very sorry to hear that they're not coming to see all your hard work though!
What a huge difference that made! Good job Scotty! You are really a home owner now...little jobs don't exist. :)
Sorry about mom and Harris. Hopefully they will be able to make it soon. I was really hoping that he would just let Mike handle things, but oh well. At least it does give you a weekend to just relax and it sounds like you guys need it.
Take it easy.
Great job with the flower beds. Man, that made a huge difference. Love the red mulch :)
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