Monday, October 23, 2006

More Work...

Well, we finally got the kitchen painted! Actually, Scott did most of the painting and I cleaned and moved everything. Scott also worked on our flower beds. He ran out of top soil though and we weren't able to get back to Wal-Mart until last night. He is hoping to finish most of it tonight while I'm at my bible study. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband! Anytime I need something done around the house he gets it done and right away!

Here are pictures...

This is the mess we had due to moving everything out of the kitchen!

We're getting there...

We had a Sunday School class party on Saturday night to go to, so we made orange Rice Krispy Treats in the shapes of pumpkins, ghosts and bats! They were really cute, but it is hard to see them in the picture. Scott helped me make them so he really should be in the picture too!

Section 1 complete...

Section 2 complete...

Section 3 complete...


Kristin McConnell said...

I love the paint!!! It looks GREAT!It makes me in the mood to finish painting around my house! What is the color called?

Scott and Beth said...

It's called "Grassland". Everytime I looked at the paint sample it looked different, so I really wasn't sure how it would turn out. We both really like it though!

Monica said...

It is fantastic! Was it really a pink/peach color in the kitchen before? It looks so great.

Scott and Beth said...

Yes...the whole house was an icky peach color! This was the last room we had to paint. I had a hard time picking out a color.

Troy & Sherry said...

you are more than welcome to comment on our blog :) i'm monica's friend - and i will now catch up on your renovation...such fun isn't it!

Scott and Beth said...

We really have enjoyed working on our house together! So much fun!

Monica said...

Wow....who likes peach walls????? Actually, I think that may be my grandma's favorite color now that I think about it ;)

LOve the new color. Do you have a kitchen theme for decorations?

Scott and Beth said...

I'm sure your grandma is great, but peach walls are not! It was not a nice color at was in every room when we moved in. I don't really have a theme other than my Fiesta Dinnerware...I collect that, so anything I can find of that I'll buy. I just found a clock that I really like, but it's a bit pricey!

Studio P Photography said...

I love that color too! Much better than peach, which reminds me of my mom's favorite 2 colors when I was growing up--mauve & dusty blue. ICK! ALL the walls were mauve for like 12 years! She finally branched out & repainted in sand & deep red. Much nicer. It's nice to see you all being "color brave" & picking some really pretty colors! ;o)

Scott and Beth said...

I really wanted a red room, but it just wouldn't work. When we add our addition we will add a dining room and I think I will be painting it red.