Friday, October 06, 2006

The online shoppers greatest invention

Scott: Hooray! It's getting cooler, Halloween is just around the corner and yesterday my new muzzleloader came in! It's official now, Fall is here. Speaking of my muzzleloader, anyone who has ever ordered something online from a company knows that most of the time when they ship it they send you the code from UPS or FedX or whom ever they use as their shipping company. The cool thing about that code is that you can track it online to see where you're package is. It's wonderful! If you work at a computer like I do you end up tracking it like 10 times a day-despite knowing that it's still in the same place that you checked last hour. But nonetheless you pull it up and say "yep, still in Indianapolis" However, when this technology goes bad it's horrible. Take for instance my last purchase from Cabela's. All was going well until the package got to Nashville at 9:24 pm Oct 4. Then it was supposed to be on it's way to Chattanooga but it showed it in Chattanooga at 9:24 pm Oct 5. The problem with that was that it was at 9:00 AM that I was looking at the site... I had that sinking feeling like standing at a drink machine and watching the dime you just dropped roll down a sewage drain. The feeling of losing a blood trail and coming to the realization that your shot was a little low. You begin to ask yourself: Was it lost in transit? Did it go to the wrong place? Was UPS' site down? Will I ever get my gun? But around 3:00 redemption came in the form of a phone call from Beth's mom stating that the package arrived. Alas, the trip was complete and a great weight was lifted like the site of seeing the white belly of that monster buck you thought you had lost. Online tracking is the greatest invention for the online shopper unless it turns on you and in those cases, you long for the 'dark ages' of having no clue of your package's whereabouts.


Anonymous said...

Sad...very sad...:)

Studio P Photography said...

Oh, I love all the hunting analogies. Heehee!

I know all too well the wonders & woes of UPS tracking. I've been looking at my packages' whereabouts all day & it still says Illinois as of last night at 9:45pm. Sigh... It will be Monday before I see my online shopping results.