Friday, October 27, 2006


So after much prodding from me, Beth went to the doctor today about the headaches she's been having. The doctor said she was in good shape but just had too much stress. So this weekend I'm going to force her to lay on the couch, watch TV and use her foot bath. And if she's complains I can say "Doctor's orders". Seriously though, she's fine and that's an answer to prayer!


Studio P Photography said...

Yay! Great to hear. The foot bath gets a vote from me too. Beth, you better keep your little feet in there until they're all pruney

Anonymous said...

You should get as much sleep as possible. Relax in a hot bath, and have Scotty rub your shoulders too. I feel for you with the headaches. They are no fun at all.

Scott and Beth said...

Well, I didn't get a chance to use my foot bath, but we did have a nice relaxing weekend! We did some of Christmas is relaxing to me! We actually got most of our shopping done, so that was nice. Thanks for your prayers everyone!

Scott and Beth said...

You are a funny person!

Monica said...

I am so glad that you got so much done. I am like you, Beth. Sometimes getting lots of things crossed off my to do list makes me feel much better than lying around. But then other times I wish I could just take a soak for a would be one of them.

Scott and Beth said...

You need someone to come over and watch the kids (out of the house) for about an hour and a half so that you can take yourself a bath! I would love to come do it, but 6 hours is a long drive:)

Monica said...

Ha ha...yeah that would be quite the drive! It is all about the thought that counts you don't have to drive it, but you still get credit for saying it ;)