Friday, October 13, 2006

Weekend Plans

Today Scott and I are leaving for Virginia. It is about a six hour drive, so we won’t get there until about midnight…unless we can get off work early. It should be a fun weekend. It is the Fall Festival. I really have no idea what this is…it sounds fun though. It will be nice to see family anyway. We haven’t been in since June. Speaking of family, Scott’s cousin and his family now have a blog too! If you want an update on how Neal, JoAnna, Devin, Autumn and Lillie are doing, click the people link for “The Hutchison’s”! I know Sonja will be excited to see their page…if we could only get Sonja to start a blog (hint, hint).

That is about all I have to say right now. I’m sure I’ll have pictures to post on Monday of our weekend. If I get bored later this afternoon I may post again.

"Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying."

Romans 12:12

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