Wednesday, November 05, 2008

To Be Discussed At A Later Date

In the following post you will read what I believe we as Americans have in store for our future. Some may take place in 2009, others may not take place until 2012 or even 2015, but one thing is for certain. The decision American’s made yesterday will set in motion the course for this country for the next 50 years. Below you will see a collection of events I believe will happen in the next 10 years-some of which I believe will happen in the next four. As these events occur, I will bring them back to the forefront of our blog to remind our readers that this was the “change” they voted for. I am saddened by the choice this country has made and even more so, I'm extremely disappointed in the people who call themselves Christians in this country:

• Obama will appoint 2 liberal Supreme Court Judges giving the majority to the liberal judges.

• In response to the 2 afore mentioned judges the following case will go before the Supreme Court
o A gun ban in at least one city in the US. It will pass by a measure of 5 to 4. Roberts, Alito, Thomas along with Scalia will vote to uphold the 2nd Amendment.

• Taxes on people making less than $100,000 will be increased. This is something that Barack Obama said he would not do.

• Unemployment will reach 10%. Currently the U.R. is at 6.1%. This will happen because of two factors.
o Taxes. The definition of “rich” has progressively slid downward since the summer of 2008. When companies taxes are increased it compresses their ability to expand their business thus creating jobs
o “Wealth Redistribution” What happens when you give irresponsible people money? They become more irresponsible. When lazy people are given money for no reason, they will give up their desire to work hard.

• A Windfall Profits tax (or some form of it) on oil companies will be passed. The oil companies will of course pass that increase on to us, the customer.
• Taxes on ammunition will reach an all time high
• The Fairness Doctrine, or some form of that doctrine, will be reinstated.
• The District of Columbia will get representation (obviously liberal representation)
• Fuel from ethanol will be pushed and it will drive up the cost of corn so much that it will bankrupt other companies. Local impact: Pilgrim’s Pride will shut its doors because of outrageous corn prices.
• Government spending and programs will reach an all time high
• A terrorist attack inside the US will occur within the next 4 years. This has not happened in 7 years since Sept 11, 2001.
• Same sex marriage will become legal in all 50 states.


Monica said...

Sigh......sad but I believe you are right on target! Perhaps this will bring us Christians to our knees and beseech God almighty to save us and heal our land instead of having faith in the GOP. Spiritually, I know that God works all things for I think a little refiner's fire is on the horizon. I will be clinging to God is good all the time!

Heard by God said...

Unsettling to say the least . . . even terrifying.

I have a bad feeling about the terrorist one.

Anonymous said...

I am a strong Christian who proudly voted for Obama in this election and I am shocked and saddened by the tone of this post.

The sheer number of citizens who flocked to the polls to exercise their right to vote should tell you (and the rest of the world) that this nation was desperate for change and hungry for hope. More than 3/4 of the country (I believe the number currently stands at a shocking 81%) think that we are heading in the WRONG direction right now. Bush has had 8 years to prove many things to the country and to fulfill many of his campaign promises. He has fallen short on nearly EVERY ONE. You cannot blame the American public for wanting to give a new administration (and a new party) a chance at righting our wrongs of the recent past.

Americans are fed up with this government's failure to do anything much for them, or (more importantly) anything they are proud of. Obama is trying to reinstill some faith in our government. For that, he needs to be given a chance.

The Obama administration inherits quite a legacy from the Bush administration, and it will be quite an uphill climb for the next 4 years (BUT it would have been no matter WHO was elected!). A budget deficit that will reach $1 trillion for the first time in history, an economy that has crippled those trying to buy a home, pay for college, or save for retirement. An education system that is doing nothing to fix the promise of this country's future (and leaving children behind left and right where it promised to leave none).

Along with making a list of what you predict for the future of our country, I hope you'll also make a list of all the positive things Obama has promised to work on in his first 4 years and track that progress as well. Affordable healthcare for everyone, raising up the middle class, reduce our dependence on foreign oil...just to name a few.

Will everything be fixed in 4 years? Certainly not. Bush has left a legacy that anyone would consider daunting to say the least. One thing can be said for Obama, though, at least he has a fantastic example of what NOT to do while he's in office.

There is a reason Obama won in a landslide victory. Look to your own beloved party for those answers.

Scott and Beth said...

In response to "anonymous":

I am proud that Americans exercised their right to vote. That makes me very proud. That being said, going to the polls in ignorance is dangerous. You can echo NBC’s liberal agenda all you want that the Bush administration “failed” but let’s look at some facts:

The Bush administration took over during a recession left from the bursting of the .com balloon. Then Sept 11th happened that tanked the economy as well. Then we went to war to defend our country which nearly EVERY Democrat in congress agreed with until they realized that they needed to make Bush seem like an idiot and oppose him. Congress (both Republicans and Democrats) were responsible for this economic mess we’re in now. But keep in mind as we’re talking about the housing crash that the majority of these home loans that are default were pushed by the Clinton administration and the Dems in congress that said we should give loans to people who can’t afford them. How that’s Bush’s fault I still haven’t figured out… And you forget that Congress which is controlled by Democrats in both the House and Senate has sustained a lower approval rating than Bush. Don’t use approval ratings on Bush without recognizing Congress as well.

But let’s look at some of the things that Bush accomplished:
- Signed two income tax cuts, one of which was the largest dollar-value tax cut in world history.
- Turned around an inherited economy that was in recession, and deeply shocked as a result of the 9/11 attacks.
- Reduced taxes on dividends and capital gains.
- Make permanent the $5,000 adoption tax credit and provide $1 billion over five years to increase the credit to $10,000.
- Signed the No Child Left Behind Act
- Is working to provide vouchers to low-income students in persistently failing schools to help with costs of attending private schools. (Which was blocked in the Democrat controlled Senate by the way.)
- Liberated Iraq from a horrible dictator
- Severely crippled Al-Qaeda
- Supported the surge (which every Dem opposed) and IT WORKED
- Disarmed Libya of its chemical, nuclear and biological WMD's without bribes or bloodshed
- Has been one of the strongest, if not THE strongest friend Israel has ever hand in the U.S. presidency
- Signed the LARGEST nuclear arms reduction in world history with Russia.
- Increased Homeland Security funding

I could go on and on but hopefully you get the point.

I agree that this country needs some reform in Washington, but electing a socialist who has no experience and who defies all things taught by scripture is not the way to do it.

Speaking of campaign promises. Why do you condemn Bush for not fulfilling his campaign promises then in the next paragraph excuse Obama if he isn’t able to accomplish his? CNN did that Nov 5th.

My beef is with Christians. I can’t say anything for the people who are unsaved. I can somewhat see why they voted the way they did. HOWEVER, there is no excuse if you are a God fearing, Bible believing child of God to vote for someone who supports killing babies-even to the extent that he voted 4 TIMES to let babies die that were born due to botched abortions. Someone who wants to make same sex marriage legal-which is clearly unbiblical and a person who has been on record making fun of God’s word. Nearly every religious organization in this country does not support his views yet some Christians chose to vote for him anyway. That is sad that they chose wealth and prosperity over their morals. Christians should use their Bible to vote NOT their wallets. They should desire to live in a grass hut and be found blameless in the sight of God rather than in a mansion and lost. It’s great if you can find a balance but if not, you ALWAYS, default to God’s principals. There is no excuse for that as a child of God.

The fact of the matter is that the majority of American’s won’t think for themselves. They only believe what they hear on NBC, CBS or ABC. The media has pushed the liberal agenda for the last 15 years. (However, only in the last 5 or 6 has it gotten out of hand.) American’s won’t research and think for themselves. That why the media was able to get Obama elected this month. Joel’s senior Govt class had only 1 student that could name the Vice President of the United States-yet every one of them had a political opinion (most of them for Obama). That is a prime example of how ignorant the American people are to what is really going on in this country.

I leave you with one last though: Why would you vote for the same person who American’s enemies want in office? Shouldn’t that tell you something?

Jonathan said...

Nice response, Scott; you leave me nothing further factual or objective with which to retort, but I can add some more subjective things to consider; Firstly, Anonymous, your statistics on how many people voted for Obama does little to prove to me it was the right decision. As a proud Christian, you're no doubt aware of the minority position in which we often find ourselves.

You also mention that Americans are fed up with a government that won't do anything for them. That's the type of liberal rhetoric that made me fight with all my passion to keep Obama out of office. Many of us don't want the government doing things for us. Many of us believe that is the route to dependency and a loss of dignity for all, and we have plenty of documentation to support this reality. Dependency breeds more dependency. It's a never-ending downward spiral. You successfully iterated the same points I've heard from the mainstream media during this campaign and little else. History documents for us that, while liberal philosophies of "charity" and government care might sound good in theory, the system crashes every time it's put into practice because a human population doesn't operate well under such conditions. Distant history shows us this in Rome, Greece, and middle age Europe. Poverty was never even close to eliminated. In fact, it got worse until these societies crumbled. More recent history, even in this country, points us to Roosevelt's New Deal, Johnson's Great Society, or the War on Poverty. Have these helped? FDR's New Deal went on for years and did nothing for the economic situation in the '30's. Not until the war brought a renewed demand for products and labor did we get back on our feet. Obama's policies are the exact things that destroy demand for products and labor.

One final point, for anyone not aware...all our taxes are going up under Obama. Even if he sticks to his promise of giving cuts to anyone under $250,000, a doubtful promise seeing as how we didn't even make it to the election day before that number was dropped, we still have the problem of Obama acknowledging he will not renew the Bush tax cuts. They, therefore, expire in 2010, at which time the taxes of poor and rich alike are increased. We've gotten nothing of any value in Obama.

Scott and Beth said...

“Anonymous” A couple thoughts:

1 – I am unable to publish your comment as it is too long and it messes up the view in the comments section.
2 - #1 is unfortunate because it is littered with inaccuracies and irrelevant references which I would love to comment on.
3- I propose you email me to discuss this further as I would love to continue our discussion but the blog does not have the capability to do so.
4- I will discuss this with you further under one condition. You stop cowering behind “anonymous” and state who you are.

Hutchison 5 said...

All you have said is true! Great response Scott & Beth! I agree with you of course...I would love to hear what else "Anonymous" has to say!

Heard by God said...

A big Air Force HOO-RAH to you, Scott!

Anonymous said...

I personally wish that we lived in a country that would do the progressive thing and elect a man like Ralph Nader. But instead we went with a clique when we voted "progressively" and elected a black man. Even though he really doesn't look all that black to me...