Monday, October 06, 2008

I Hope this Week is Quick!

I am just sitting here at work and watching the clock. I really want to go home. I am so tired today. Plus, I got all my work done early today and now I am bored.

Scott left for Portland this morning…I dropped him off at the airport on my way to work. He just arrived and is waiting for the shuttle to take him to his hotel. At least he will have all evening to relax and maybe get to bed early. The next two days his hours will be from about 8:00 in the morning until 9:00 at night. On Thursday he will only have his conference for about half the day and then he’ll catch a fight home in the afternoon. I really hate being home alone. I made plans for every night this week so that I won’t be home too much by myself. I had lunch today with my friends Wendy and Dana…Dana brought her little girl, Kaylen too. So, that was fun. I don’t see Dana very often. Tonight I have bible study until about 8:00. Tomorrow night I am having dinner with my friends, Laura and Kerri…and Kerri’s little girl, Reagan. Kerri’s husband is away on business too, so she and Reagan are home alone. On Wednesday I am spending the evening with my friend, Wendy. We are going to watch some TV shows together. Then on Thursday Scott will be coming home! So, hopefully the week will go by quickly.

I really don’t have a lot to say…not too much is going on right now. I am ready for Christmas to get here though…at least the season. I want to start decorating so that I can get some presents under the tree. I already have quite a bit of shopping done, so I am ready to start wrapping.

I guess that is all for now. I will update later if I think of anything to tell you.


Monica said...

Wow! I am in awe that you have a bunch of shopping done. I am looking forward to all that :)

Best of luck on this week going fast!

So sorry your work goes soooo slowly

Kristin McConnell said...

Hey! Have a fun week! Enjoy your time and with all your friends! It will be here before you know it!

I LOVE Christmas too!

Hope work picks up for you! =)