Thursday, October 09, 2008

Today Will Be Better!

I am hoping for a much better day today than I had yesterday. Scott is coming home tonight, so my day is already way better! His flight is supposed to arrive at 7:22. Hopefully he doesn’t have any delays. He nearly missed his connection in Charlotte on the way because his flight in Chattanooga was delayed. He said he has actually been enjoying his class. It hasn’t been the stress that he was anticipating, so that is good. Hopefully he will enjoy the projects that are coming up too.

Yesterday was not so good for me. It seemed like if something could go wrong…it did! Before you read any further I will warn you…this is going to be the whiny section of the post…haha! I had a doctor’s appointment at 10:00 yesterday morning because I am having a lot of trouble with my stomach and some pretty severe pain in my left side. However, they called me at about 8:30 and said the doctor had an emergency or something and was going to be late. I had taken half the day off just so I wouldn’t have to rush during lunch and all, but they didn’t end up getting me in until 1:35. It was pouring rain all day and the office is in Georgia on Lookout Mountain. So, I decided not to come into work until after my appointment because I would only be able to be here for about 45 minutes and I just didn’t want to walk to and from my parking lot in the rain for such a short time. It should have only taken me about 15 minutes to get to work from the doctor’s office, but it ended up taking me nearly an hour and half because they closed the highway coming down the mountain and I didn’t know how to get back. They didn’t have any detour signs and I got lost. I called my friend, Wendy to see if she could help me, but it took us forever to figure out where I was and how to find an alternate route. I got to work at 3:35 and I get off at 4:45…almost pointless. Then, I went to Wal-Mart to fill my two prescriptions and they said they could not fill them until they spoke with my doctor. So, now I have to go back today to get them. I did have a fun evening though…I went to Wendy’s to watch some TV and have dinner with her. So, that was fun. Okay…I am done whining now.

So YAY…Scott is coming home tonight and tomorrow is Friday!


Heard by God said...

Beth, this sounds AWFUL! What were the prescriptions for -- do they know what on earth is happening?? I'm worried about you. (And Paul did a little hanggliding on Lookout Mt!!)

Anonymous said...

Well, she said the stomach trouble is caused from my lack of gallbladder. Basically, your gallbladder will store bile for you until your body needs it and I do not have one to do that for me. Thus, my bile is simply dumped all at once. So, one prescription is for that…to maybe help my body learn how to function without the gallbladder. The other one is just an acid reflux medicine. She said sometimes with all the digestive issues it can cause acid reflux and that can cause the side/back pain. I will take the medicine for two weeks to see if it gets better. If not, I will probably have a CT scan or something because she said it may be a gallstone that lodged somewhere else. She checked for blood in my urine as she thought it may have been a kidney stone, but that was clean. My blood work has not come back yet.

Unknown said...

So I totally feel your pain, but just know that now I very rarely get sick. I just have learned the certain foods to milk used to make me really sick, and now it practically doesn't affect me (make sure to use nonfat though). So apparently your doctor doesn't lie about the body adjusting. Also, my friend Jaye had the same thing a couple years ago and her doctor prescribed something, and it really helped.

Kristin McConnell said...

Sorry you had a rough day!