Friday, August 25, 2006

Bored, Bored, Bored…

Time seems to really creep by when you don’t have anything to do other than stare at a clock. It is now about 2:45pm and I have yet to have one single thing to do today. I organized a bunch of files on my computer just for entertainment. I guess I’m really just posting now because I need someone to talk to. Luckily, someone just called me and said he needs for me to send a couple of FedEx shipments for him…those will take about 49 seconds each. That will be my work for the day because everyone else on my team is gone.


Studio P Photography said...

Don't you hate being bored at work only to be sitting there thinking about all the things you could be getting done at home? I really hate that anxious feeling & being stuck not being able to do a thing about it!

Scott and Beth said...

Yes! That is exactly my problem! Today we had a staff meeting that had nothing to do with me. So, I made a "Things to do" list and a shopping list.