Friday, August 25, 2006

A thought on human logic-or lack of

Hooray I get make my first post!

I have come to the conclusion that humans often defy all logic and let emotions take over. The following is one of many such instances.

We go to a store and buy a bran new pair of shoes. Try on the shoes and say "ehh they're kinda comfortable" and then we decide to buy them. Next we put the new shoes in the box and proceed to put on our old shoes (normally at least a few years old). We say something to the effect of "Man these old shoes feel a lot better than those new ones." Then go to the checkout and pay. The next morning we wake up and say in excitment "I'll wear my new shoes today!" We put them on and within an hour we are thinking to ourselves. "Holy cow my feet are killing me! Why did I buy these shoes? I knew when I put them on they weren't that comfortable. I should have wore my old ones today." All day it plays over and over again in our minds until we get home that afternoon and put on our old shoes to tinker around the house in. We say "Ahh sure does feel good to have on these old shoes that are comfortable." Then we go to bed and wake up the next morning and say in excitement "I'll wear my new shoes today!"....

1 comment:

Scott and Beth said...

I always buy my shoes for looks...not comfort. This does not apply to me.